Time-walk Correction: Matrix

The timewalk matrix gives important insight into your data. More specifically it shows you where to put the cToT cut parameter. The timewalk lookup table is an average of this matrix, “cut” at a particular cToT point. That is, values lower than this are discarded and values higher are averaged and used to construct the lookup table.

Luna Command

./tpx3dump process -i /Users/Ciaran/atlassian-bitbucket-pipelines-runner/temp/e71169e4-520a-5b30-a5ab-ee8a44eb5fac/build/docs/source/_static/example_data.tpx3 -o /Users/Ciaran/atlassian-bitbucket-pipelines-runner/temp/e71169e4-520a-5b30-a5ab-ee8a44eb5fac/build/docs/source/_static/example_data.h5 --eps-t 160ns --eps-s 1 --calculate-timewalk-statistics --layout single

Python Script

Plot the timewalk matrix
  1import os, sys
  2from typing import *
  3import lmfit
  4import pandas as pd  # ensure you have `pip install pandas`
  5import warnings
  6import seaborn as sns
  7import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  8from matplotlib import cm
  9from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
 10import numpy as np
 13warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  # suppress warnings from plotting libraries.
 17# add some paths to PYTHONPATH
 18for directory in ["..", "."]:
 19    sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), directory)))
 21# on our system "EXAMPLE_DATA_HDF5" refers to the absolute path
 22# to a hdf5 file generated by luna. Replace with your own!
 23from env_vars_for_docs_examples import EXAMPLE_DATA_HDF5, PLOTS_DIRECTORY
 25# re-use functions from previous example
 26from ex2_read_data_time_units import load_timewalk_matrix, TimeUnit
 29def plot_timewalk_matrix_heatmap(timewalk_matrix: pd.DataFrame, max_ctot_and_tot_to_show: Optional[List[int]] = None):
 30    """
 31    Plots a heatmap of the timewalk matrix.
 33    This function generates and saves heatmaps of the timewalk matrix, showing the relationship between
 34    CToT (Corrected Time over Threshold) and ToT (Time over Threshold) bins, and their corresponding
 35    AverageDToA (Average Delta Time of Arrival) values. The heatmaps are saved as PNG files.
 37    Parameters:
 38    -----------
 39    timewalk_matrix : pd.DataFrame
 40        A DataFrame containing the timewalk matrix data. The DataFrame should have the following columns:
 41        - 'CToT': Corrected Time over Threshold
 42        - 'ToT': Time over Threshold
 43        - 'AverageDToA': Average Delta Time of Arrival
 44        - Other columns may include 'SumSquareDiff', 'Count', 'Std', 'Sem', etc.
 46    max_ctot_and_tot_to_show : Optional[List[int]], default=None
 47        A list of integers specifying the maximum CToT and ToT values to show in the heatmap. If None,
 48        the default value [1024 * 25] is used. Each value in the list will generate a separate heatmap.
 50    Returns:
 51    --------
 52    None
 53        The function does not return any value. It saves the generated heatmaps as PNG files in the
 54        specified directory.
 56    Raises:
 57    -------
 58    AssertionError
 59        If `max_ctot_and_tot_to_show` is not a list of integers.
 61    """
 62    if max_ctot_and_tot_to_show is None:
 63        max_ctot_and_tot_to_show = [1024 * 25]
 65    for max_tot in max_ctot_and_tot_to_show:
 66        assert isinstance(max_ctot_and_tot_to_show, list), "max_ctot_and_tot_to_show should be a list of integers"
 68        timewalk_matrix_avg = timewalk_matrix.pivot(index="ToT", columns="CToT", values="AverageDToA")
 69        print(timewalk_matrix_avg.head())
 70        data = timewalk_matrix_avg.loc[timewalk_matrix_avg.index <= max_tot, timewalk_matrix_avg.columns <= max_tot]
 72        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
 73        sns.despine(fig=fig)
 74        img = ax.imshow(data.values,
 75                        origin="lower",
 76                        cmap="BuPu",
 77                        aspect="auto",
 78                        )
 79        ax.set_ylabel("ToT bin (ns)")
 80        ax.set_xlabel("cToT bin (ns)")
 82        xticks = np.linspace(0, data.shape[1] - 1, num=min(10, data.shape[1]), dtype=int)
 83        yticks = np.linspace(0, data.shape[0] - 1, num=min(10, data.shape[0]), dtype=int)
 85        ax.set_xticks(xticks)
 86        ax.set_yticks(yticks)
 87        ax.set_xticklabels(data.columns[xticks], rotation=45)
 88        ax.set_yticklabels(data.index[yticks])
 90        c = plt.colorbar(img)
 91        c.set_label('average(dToA) ns')
 92        plt.title(f"cToT vs ToT vs dToA \n(Showing max cToT = max ToT = {max_tot})")
 93        fname = os.path.join(PLOTS_DIRECTORY, f"ex8_timewalk_matrix_heatmap_{max_tot}.png")
 94        plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
 98if __name__ == "__main__":
 99    toa_unit = TimeUnit.Nanoseconds
101    timewalk_matrix = load_timewalk_matrix(EXAMPLE_DATA_HDF5, toa_unit=toa_unit)
102    print("Timewalk Matrix:")
103    print(timewalk_matrix.head().to_string())
104    if timewalk_matrix is not None:
105        tot_thresholds = [ 500, 1000, 1500, 2000]
106        plot_timewalk_matrix_heatmap(timewalk_matrix, tot_thresholds)

Script Output

Example Output
<KeysViewHDF5 ['Clusters', 'ExposureTimeBoundaries', 'PixelHits', 'TimewalkLookupTable', 'TimewalkMatrix']>
Timewalk Matrix:
   CToT  ToT  AverageDToA  SumSquareDiff  Count        Std       Sem
0   450   25    96.223969     53196212.0     12  21.054733  6.077978
1   450   50    83.750008    119628920.0     25  21.875000  4.375000
2   450   75    76.627617     66283176.0     24  16.618660  3.392270
3   450  100    62.467461     91039528.0     48  13.771915  1.987805
4   450  125    51.258690    118634712.0     72  12.836293  1.512772
CToT       450        475        500   ...       6675       6825       6850
ToT                                    ...                                 
25    96.223969  94.140625  99.356606  ...        NaN  23.437500  21.875000
50    83.750008  76.041664  84.742653  ...  15.625000  17.187500  23.437500
75    76.627617  72.968750  72.727280  ...  14.062500  16.406252  15.104167
100   62.467461  60.044651  63.733555  ...  11.979167   9.375000   8.593750
125   51.258690  52.926594  54.313362  ...  10.937500        NaN  10.937500

[5 rows x 191 columns]
CToT       450        475        500   ...       6675       6825       6850
ToT                                    ...                                 
25    96.223969  94.140625  99.356606  ...        NaN  23.437500  21.875000
50    83.750008  76.041664  84.742653  ...  15.625000  17.187500  23.437500
75    76.627617  72.968750  72.727280  ...  14.062500  16.406252  15.104167
100   62.467461  60.044651  63.733555  ...  11.979167   9.375000   8.593750
125   51.258690  52.926594  54.313362  ...  10.937500        NaN  10.937500

[5 rows x 191 columns]
CToT       450        475        500   ...       6675       6825       6850
ToT                                    ...                                 
25    96.223969  94.140625  99.356606  ...        NaN  23.437500  21.875000
50    83.750008  76.041664  84.742653  ...  15.625000  17.187500  23.437500
75    76.627617  72.968750  72.727280  ...  14.062500  16.406252  15.104167
100   62.467461  60.044651  63.733555  ...  11.979167   9.375000   8.593750
125   51.258690  52.926594  54.313362  ...  10.937500        NaN  10.937500

[5 rows x 191 columns]
CToT       450        475        500   ...       6675       6825       6850
ToT                                    ...                                 
25    96.223969  94.140625  99.356606  ...        NaN  23.437500  21.875000
50    83.750008  76.041664  84.742653  ...  15.625000  17.187500  23.437500
75    76.627617  72.968750  72.727280  ...  14.062500  16.406252  15.104167
100   62.467461  60.044651  63.733555  ...  11.979167   9.375000   8.593750
125   51.258690  52.926594  54.313362  ...  10.937500        NaN  10.937500

[5 rows x 191 columns]